What I Like About Franklin North Carolina

Franklin is situated in the Nantahala National Forest, located in the southwest area of North Carolina. Surrounded by so much natural splendor, Franklin is an ideal place to live seasonally or year round.

Population in Macon County is 34,200 county and 4,000 city limits. The median age is 49, median income of $47,600 and median home purchase of $162,000

Property Tax rate at $0.28 per $100 valuation in the county. Franklin city limit rate is $0.25 and Highlands $0.135 per $100 valuation.

Precipitation in Franklin is 54.7 inches and is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.

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The Macon County Historical Museum is a great treasure to discover. The 1904 Pendergrass Dry Goods Store, among the oldest buildings in Franklin, now houses the Macon Historical Society and Museum. The Museum is where local history is being collected, preserved, and interpreted. Check out Franklin's Civil War Trail connections at the museum as well along town hill for 2 Civil War markers.